We are ISO certified

Therefore we have:

  •  Satisfied customers, through good information before, during and after treatment
  • Satisfied employees, through good systems for e.g. further education
  • Equipment and hygiene with a high standard
  • Patient records with correct content
  • Regular checks
    Continuous improvement
ISO 9001 Certified by the Norwegian Veterinary Association
ISO 9001 Certified

The best for your animal

As a member of the Norwegian Veterinary Association's certification scheme, animal clinics and animal hospitals are certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 for quality management. The ISO standard's main purpose is quality assurance of work processes, as well as their improvement and efficiency, so that there is more time and focus on the most important thing; namely the vet's treatment of the animal and on good communication, so that you as an animal owner are informed and advised in connection with your animal's treatment and follow-up

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