Avoid sore dog paws!

My dog ​​has suddenly developed sore paws after a regular bike ride - What has happened? Lilly and her owner came for a visit to the clinic today. The owner was clearly concerned and told us the following: Lilly usually rides a bike daily and has never…

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Eye inflammation in dogs

Eye inflammation in dogs can be dangerous and irritating because a dog's eyes are sensitive organs, and eye problems such as an eye inflammation or an eye infection are incredibly unpleasant to deal with. Mild irritation, such as red eyes or watery eyes, is quite…

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Fever in dogs

Fever in dogs is one of the most common indicators that your four-legged friend is not feeling well. With fever, or hyperthermia as it is also called, the dog will have a higher body temperature than normal. This is because the heat production in…

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Ear mites in cats
Ear mites in a cat, Photo by Preben holm

Ear mites in cats

Ear mites in cats are a common cause of itching and ear infections, contagious between animals through close contact. Symptoms include intense itching and brown-black earwax. Untreated, it can lead to serious ear problems. Veterinary treatment with medication is recommended.

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Intestinal worms in cats
Intestinal worms of the roundworm and tapeworm type from a cat, Photo by DyreID

Intestinal worms in cats

Intestinal worms in cats are not uncommon in Norway, and often it is roundworms and tapeworms. Cats are more prone to intestinal worms than dogs, because these hunters tend to eat prey they claw…

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