Two important tools that are often used to diagnose and treat diseases in cats are X-ray and ultrasound. These tools play a crucial role in comprehensive and physical examinations of cats, and the methods often complement each other. By using first-class equipment and aids, our vets are able to make precise diagnoses and ensure optimal treatment. Let's take a closer look at x-rays and ultrasounds in cats.

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When are these examinations necessary?

We recommend an X-ray or ultrasound based on the cat's symptoms or after a routine health check. For example, if the cat is showing signs of pain, has trouble breathing, or is experiencing unexplained weight loss, these diagnostic tools can help us pinpoint the cause of the problem.

It is also common to use X-rays and ultrasounds before surgical interventions to get a thorough picture of what can be expected during the operation.

X-ray in a cat

X-rays in cats are an important tool for image-based diagnostics, which provide insight into both the skeleton and internal organs in the chest and abdominal cavity. These images give the vet a unique insight into the cat's internal structures, including the skeleton, organs and lungs. X-rays can be particularly useful in identifying bone fractures, lameness, joint problems or even foreign objects that the cat may have swallowed. At A-Vet, we perform direct X-rays, which is an advanced high-frequency method that provides immediate images.

How does X-ray work in cats? 

An X-ray examination is usually a quick and painless process for the cat. The vet places the cat on a special platform and takes pictures from different angles. The device then produces x-rays that pass through the cat's body. Muscle and soft tissue let the rays through more easily than bone, which makes it possible to detect damage that is not necessarily visible just by looking at the cat. This gives a complete picture of the cat's internal health, and it helps the vet develop the right treatment plan.

Preparations for X-ray examination of the cat 

Taking your cat to the vet for an X-ray can seem like a slightly frightening experience, both for you and the kitty. But with the right preparation, you can make the whole process much easier and less stressful for both parties. To ensure accurate results, it is important that the cat is calm. Try to create a calming atmosphere at home and familiarize the cat with it the transport cage if it is brand new. You can add a soft blanket and some of your cat's favorite toys to make it more comfortable. This also helps reduce stress during the journey.

Often, X-rays of the skeleton require the use of sedatives to keep the cat calm. When examining the abdominal cavity, it is an advantage if the cat is fasting, as large amounts of food can hide organs and make interpretation of the images difficult. Some cases require emptying of the bowels with an enema. It is also often necessary to position the body in a specific position during the X-ray, which many cats will try to squirm out of. By giving the cat a sedative, there is a greater probability of not having to take all the pictures again, and thus the radiation doses are reduced while making the experience generally more pleasant for the cat.

After the X-ray, make sure to give your cat extra attention, love and some treats as a reward for good behavior. This helps to create a positive association with the veterinary visit.

A cat lies on a sofa armrest. Feline plague. X-ray and ultrasound in cats.

Ultrasound in cats

Ultrasound in cats will be able to help diagnose a number of disorders, especially related to the heart, chest and abdominal organs. Ultrasound is also a useful aid in investigations of pregnancy in cats. Ultrasound in cats is therefore a gentle and effective method for uncovering internal problems in cats. 

How does ultrasound work in cats?

When the vet performs an ultrasound examination on a cat, we use a small device called a transducer. The machine sends and receives high-frequency sound, and the results are displayed on a monitor. These reflections are then translated into detailed images on a screen, which the veterinarian can analyze to evaluate the condition of the organs. It is particularly useful for determining pregnancy, usually no earlier than 23 days after mating. Ultrasound is also effective for examining abdominal organs, blood vessels, lymph nodes and for mapping changes in organs such as the liver, kidneys and uterus.

Ultrasound in cats is also helpful for examinations of the abdomen, and the vet will be able to see abdominal organs, vessels and lymph nodes and map changes in, among other things, the liver, kidneys and uterus. During an ultrasound examination of the abdomen, the cat usually has to be shaved on the abdomen. It is also common to use ultrasound for echocardiography, which is an examination of the heart.

Preparations for an ultrasound examination of the cat

Before deciding to have an ultrasound examination, it is always a good idea to consult with your veterinarian. Discuss why it may be necessary and gain insight into what to expect from the procedure. The vet will also give you specific instructions based on your cat's health history.

Although the examination is painless, the use of a sedative may be necessary to keep the cat calm. Cats are known to be sensitive creatures, and a calming environment will help reduce stress before and during the ultrasound examination. Create a calm atmosphere at home, use favorite toys or a soft blanket in the carrier, and try to limit unnecessary noise. It may also be necessary to fast the cat for a few hours before the examination. Your vet will give you clear guidelines regarding how long the cat should fast before the appointment. This helps to ensure that the stomach is empty and that the ultrasound images are as clear as possible.

Expert assessment with telemedicine

A-Vet has skilled professionals in diagnostic imaging, with a specialist in heart and image analysis. In partnership with IDEXX Telemedicine og SignalPet Telemedicine, specially trained radiologists in Oslo and Sweden, we can discuss cases and images for expert assessment if necessary.

X-ray and ultrasound for cat price

Contact us if you have any questions in connection with an X-ray or ultrasound examination of your cat. You will find one overview of our prices here!